
Sum 41 - "With Me" (as heard on Gossip Girl)

I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't fallen on to the Gossip Girl bandwagon yet, but the really lame part of me is resisting it.  I was a fat junior high schooler during prime Dawson's Creek era and still have yet to see a single episode of it...  And I mean, I'm not fat and wearing Airwalk sneakers and Jnco's (admit it, you did too) and smearing on the black eyeliner anymore (okay, I'm still smearing on the black eyeliner), but it's sort of the same deal.  Either way, though I haven't seen the show, their website (particularly the music section, where they list every song featured in the show along with purchase links) definitely deserves a compliment. Sum 41's song "With Me" was featured a while back and promptly sold close to 100,000 copies of the single immediately after.  And, oh, hey, guess what?  The official video for the song just debuted on MTV yesterday -- and Frontside just posted it on our YouTube account.  Check it:

in-browser photoshop?

I just got my invite for A.viary's browser-based image editor Phoenix, the first of a number of programs they're planning on launching, and from just two minutes of messing around with it right now, it's pretty amazing.  Between this and Google docs... I don't really see myself using Word or (my totally illegal, horribly glitchy copy of) Photoshop much in the future.  

Mostly I'm just using this as an excuse to post a video of a Hilary-Obama love child created using Phoenix, though.  


Staerk's GenArt show

In the madness that was New York during fashion week last week, I must admit that I was actually really painfully bored (florals? flowy sheer fabrics? frumpy greys and beiges? seriously? yaaaawwn) by most things on the runways, and thus had been a bit apprehensive about attending the GenArt show, featuring Staerk (the latest line from Danish designer Camila Staerk) -- but was really pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. (The Belevedere-vodka-sponsored open bar afterwards didn't hurt thing, either. I mean, hell, I'm linking back to them in my blog, I guess those retardedly strong vodka-sodas that had me in bed by 9 PM were actually a good marketing move on their part, though drinking three of them was a rather mediocre decision on my behalf.)

Staerk's aesthetic is structural and tough-but-feminine, featuring silky blouses and feminine cuts mixed up with interesting leather skirts, fringed pieces mixed up with menswear-inspired tailoured cuts, and heavy black eyeliner -- more or less right up my alley.



Seriously, Hilary? Seriously? This is your attempt to win back the vote of the tech-savvy hip youth?

No dice, Mrs. C. Nooooooooo dice.


Roz Bell -- Used to Love Her

So we set Roz Bell, one of our management clients, lose with a video camera, to make a little video of his tour footage, and this is the result, set to his soon-to-be-third single, "Used to Love Her." Roz has made some funny videos for us in the past, including ones featuring his 70's alter ego.

Like it? He's playing a show in New York in March.

Roz Bell (solo acoustic)
Thursday March 13, 2008 - 6pm
Rockwood Music Hall

196 Allen Street, New York City
(between E. Houston and Stanton -- FV subway to 2nd ave)
21+. ID is required.
Tix: $5


So last week, the internet in the office was down. Here's a fact: I am "online marketing director."  This means that my working environment requires one thing only: oh, you know, internet access??  (Okay, and maybe caffeine.) I was seriously writhing in pain.  But now it's back, and I'm halfway through a venti sugar-free cinnamon dolce Americano (skim milk, no extra sugar) and it's freakishly warm for February in New York, so life, I suppose, is good again.  And I'm looking at the statistics for that Colin Munroe track and video I posted a little while ago, and it's definitely also good.  We're up to 227,000 views of the video on Youtube, and Technorati pulling up around 400 hits, and Colin getting radio airplay and coming to New York but being so busy with meetings that we couldn't .  It's so satisfying to see stuff like this happen --  you start from scratch and then suddenly the video's on Kanye's blog, on Perez Hilton, and you're watching YouTube hits explode every hour -- and somehow you were part of it.  (Also, there's nothing I love more than reading the YouTube comments.)

Anyhoo. I went to see The Teenagers at Studio B this past weekend -- they played and then afterwards Hot Chip had a DJ set.  I've been way into The Teenagers since I first heard that Au Revoir Simone remix they did for that Kitsune comp a while back (listen at Kitsune's myspace), and I definitely wasn't disappointed.  I heard that their free show at Cake Shop earlier in the day was mediocre, but I mean, really, why would you go see the Teenagers at Cake Shop at four in the afternoon?  Regardless, despite some shenanigans with Studio B (The bar doesn't take credit cards?  The ATM broke? All exits are final? Wait, so we can't drink, we can't get cash to drink, and we cant go outside to go to another ATM or even for a cigarette? There were a lot of angry hipsters, and a pretty long line at the coat check -- sucks when a venue's issues interfere with fans enjoying a band's set.) it was pretty great, especially when the band had random girls from the crowd come up on stage to speak the girls' parts in "Homecoming."  Which, by the way, if you haven't seen the video, you should -- here, though if you're at work and dirty language bothers your coworkers, put headphones on.